
Pest Control Consultants

How To Get Rid Of Cockroaches In Clinton

How To Get Rid Of Cockroaches In Clinton

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What is a problem that you regularly deal with inside your Clinton home? Do you have issues with your sinks leaking? Maybe your hot water heater isn’t large enough for you to have a full hot bath. Some people regularly have trouble with pests like cockroaches. If you have recently noticed cockroaches inside your Clinton living areas or are trying to find a good way to keep them outside, here are some things you should know.

Does DIY Work To Eliminate Cockroaches?

There are two types of DIY pest control: DIY that doesn’t require any training, and DIY that does. Store-bought cockroach control products are the latter. Trying to eliminate these pests without training is a good way to get you, your family, or your pets sick. Sickness comes from using products in the wrong amounts or in the wrong locations. To make things more challenging, cockroaches are resistant to many traditional pesticides and are adept at avoiding danger. This makes fully eliminating these pests incredibly difficult, to say the least.

Why You Don’t Want Roaches Inside Your Home

There are two reasons why you don’t want roaches inside your Clinton home. The first is that they spread disease. You may pick up one of these diseases by interacting with roaches’ excrement. These pests leave their excrement over countertops, in the backs of pantries, and over and inside left-out food. The second reason you don’t want roaches inside your home is that their dry skin and fecal droppings cause asthma and allergic reactions. This problem becomes worse as cockroach infestations grow within homes.

Some Great Strategies To Prevent Cockroaches From Invading

Getting cockroaches into your home is easy. All you have to do is ignore general wear and tear around your home’s exterior, carry in used furniture and storage boxes without checking them first, and leave your doors and windows open and unsupervised. If you are here today looking for good options to keep cockroaches out of your living areas, then you will need to pay attention to these things. Here are some great exclusion and prevention tips to use today to keep roaches from invading your Clinton home.

  • Thoroughly inspect your home’s exterior foundation for gaps and cracks. Repair any you find, using a caulking gun.
  • Make sure all of your window/door screens are installed properly and are rip/tear-free.
  • Close unscreened doors and windows when they are not in use.
  • Install door sweeps and weatherstripping on all of your exterior doors and check their condition yearly.
  • Address leaky piping and fixtures in and around your home.
  • Use a dehumidifier indoors to keep moisture levels down.
  • Eliminate sources of water build up around your property
  • Clean up clutter and organic debris from around your yard and create a five-foot dry and clear zone around your home’s exterior.
  • Thoroughly clean your living areas and then do your best to keep up with food messes and drink spills as they occur.
  • Store leftovers, pantry items, and pet food inside sealed plastic, glass, or metal containers.
  • Check your trash cans and make sure their lids are on tight.

To avoid all of this effort and more effectively prevent roaches from invading your Clinton home, ask the experts at Pest Control Consultants about our comprehensive pest control options. We have services to identify pests inside homes, services to eliminate current pest threats, and services to effectively keep pests outdoors, year-round. We also have a team of friendly, highly trained, and dedicated technicians who are committed to providing top-tier customer service and effective pest control strategies.

Contact us today to learn more about our pest control options and schedule your Clinton home for a visit.

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