
Pest Control Consultants

How To Identify Bed Bug Infestations In Clinton

How To Identify Bed Bug Infestations In Clinton

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If bed bugs were inside your home, you would know they were there, right? Sadly, bed bugs are among the most elusive pests in Clinton. For this reason, we are here today to answer some questions for you, including how do you get bed bugs? What do bed bugs look like? And: How often do bed bugs feed? If you are interested in learning more about these pests, this is what you need to know.

How Do You Get Bed Bugs?

Most pests have a lot of options when it comes to invading homes. Bed bugs do not. These pests have to use people to get around. More specifically, bed bugs hitch rides on clothing, bags, and other items that smell like humans. You might pick up bed bugs when you are on vacation or while you are watching a movie at the local theater. Bed bugs might also find their way into your home on items your family and friends carry inside with them.

What Do Bed Bugs Look Like?

Something many people think about bed bugs is that they are too small to see. The truth is, bed bugs are just really good at staying out of sight. If you get the opportunity to see one of these invasive bugs, identify them by their reddish-brown, ¼” long, oval-shaped body. If you catch a bed bug right after it has had a blood meal it will look bloated and have a much brighter red coloration.

How Often Do Bed Bugs Feed?

Bed bugs are interesting creatures in that they cannot survive for long periods outdoors but have no issue living without a blood meal for months if they are indoors where it is comfortable. How often do bed bugs feed when food is available? Nymphs feed between each developmental stage. Adults will sometimes take a blood meal once a night if it is convenient.

What Signs Do Bed Bugs Leave Behind?

Because bed bugs are great at staying out of sight, it is good to know other signs to identify these pests. Here are a few common clues these pests leave around homes they infest.

  • Bloodstains
  • Reddish black fecal droppings
  • Shed skins
  • Eggs
  • A musty odor in the air

Check for these signs around areas you sleep, along baseboards and headboards, and near/inside cracks, crevices, and other secluded areas around your home.

Are Bed Bugs Dangerous?

Something that is on many homeowners’ minds is the question are bed bugs dangerous? Thankfully, these pests are not as harmful as you would think. Severe infestations may lead to insomnia and anemia, but beyond this, bed bugs are not terribly dangerous. This does not mean, however, that they are not annoying and won’t cause other problems when indoors.

How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs

There is only so much you can do if bed bugs invade your home. If you are not trained in how to use pest control products, we highly recommend avoiding doing so. Instead, trust the pest control experts at Pest Control Consultants. We offer detailed services to quickly identify bed bugs and we use advanced bed bug control to fully remove these pests from homes. Our team of highly-trained and friendly technicians is standing by to make sure you and your Clinton home are well cared for. In addition to this, our services are priced to not break your bank and designed to fit your individual needs.

Contact our team today to learn more about our comprehensive bed bug control and schedule your Clinton home for a visit.

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