
Pest Control Consultants

Asian Beetles

Asian Beetles

All About Asian Beetles

Asian Lady Beetles are invasive pests that can become a significant nuisance when they invade homes in large numbers. Originally introduced to control aphids, these beetles are now widespread across the United States. While they are beneficial in gardens, their presence indoors can cause allergies, staining, and unpleasant odors, making it essential to control their population.


What are Asian Beetles?

Asian Lady Beetles (Harmonia axyridis), commonly known as the Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle, are a species of beetle originally native to Asia. They were introduced to North America in the 20th century to combat agricultural pests like aphids.

These beetles are known for their diverse color patterns, ranging from yellow to red, often with black spots on their wing covers. Unlike native ladybugs, Asian Lady Beetles can become household pests, particularly in the fall and winter when they seek shelter indoors.


How to Identify Asian Lady Beetles


  • Vary in color from pale yellow to dark orange
  • May have black spots on their wing covers
  • Typically feature an “M”-shaped marking behind their heads
  • Slightly larger than native ladybugs
  • Measure about 7mm in length

Similar Pests:
Asian Lady Beetles are often mistaken for native ladybugs and other beetles. However, the distinct “M” or “W”-shaped mark behind their head and their tendency to invade homes differentiate them from other similar pests.


Activity and Seasonality

Active Seasons:
Asian Lady Beetles are most active in the fall when they seek shelter for the winter. They are also active in the spring and summer when they feed on aphids and other pests.

The lifecycle of an Asian Lady Beetle includes four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The entire cycle lasts about 1-2 months, with multiple generations produced each year. Adults can live for up to three years.


Where to Find Asian Lady Beetles in or Around Your House

Common Habitats:
Asian Lady Beetles are commonly found in gardens, fields, and wooded areas during warmer months. In the fall, they seek out warm, dry places to overwinter, often entering homes through cracks and crevices.

Specific Hiding Spots:
Inside homes, Asian Lady Beetles often hide in attics, wall voids, and behind window frames. They are also attracted to light-colored walls and warm, sunlit areas.


How to Get Rid of Asian Lady Beetles

Immediate Action:
As soon as Asian Lady Beetles are spotted indoors, vacuuming is the quickest and safest removal method. Be sure to dispose of the vacuum bag immediately to prevent the beetles from escaping.

Professional Treatments:
Professional pest control services can provide treatments that target the areas where Asian Lady Beetles are entering the home. This might include sealing entry points and applying residual insecticides to prevent further infestations.

DIY Methods:
Homeowners can use sticky traps near windows and doors to capture Asian Lady Beetles. Sealing cracks and installing screens on windows and vents can also help prevent them from entering the home.


How to Prevent Asian Lady Beetles

Preventive Measures:

  • Seal all cracks and gaps around windows, doors, and siding before fall.
  • Repair damaged screens.
  • Use weather stripping to close any gaps.
  • Consider professional pest-proofing services from PCC to thoroughly inspect and seal entry points.

Home Maintenance:

  • Regularly inspect and repair any damaged areas of your home’s exterior, especially before fall.
  • Keep doors and windows closed.
  • Use insecticide treatments around entry points as a preventive measure.
  • Schedule regular inspections and maintenance services with PCC to ensure your home remains pest-free.

Long-term Strategies:

  • Plant less attractive vegetation around your home to deter Asian Lady Beetles.
  • Continuously monitor and maintain your home to prevent potential entry points.
  • Consult with PCC for ongoing prevention plans tailored to your property’s needs.



Asian Lady Beetles, while beneficial outdoors, can become a serious nuisance when they invade homes in large numbers. Proper identification, timely removal, and preventive measures are essential to keep these pests under control.

If you’re dealing with an Asian Lady Beetle infestation, contact Pest Control Consultants today for a free consultation and effective treatment plan. Our experts can help you protect your home from these invasive pests.