
Pest Control Consultants

Bed Bugs Bed Bugs Are Back!

Bed Bugs Bed Bugs Are Back!

Bed bugs have unfortunately made a resurgence in Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin. These pests are skilled at hiding in belongings and easily spread to homes and businesses.

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Concerned About Bed Bugs?
Take Immediate Action

Bed bugs are prolific breeders. A small infestation can quickly explode into a much larger problem. To prevent this from happening, it’s crucial to address the issue as soon as possible. By contacting a professional pest control company early on, you can ensure a faster and more effective elimination process.

Our Proven Bed Bug Control Process

Thorough Inspection

Our technicians meticulously examine your property to identify all areas of bed bug activity and determine the extent of the infestation.

Treatment Preparation

We’ll provide a clear checklist to ensure your home or business is ready for treatment.

Targeted Treatment

We utilize a highly effective liquid treatment, along with steam and dust applications, to eliminate bed bugs at all stages of their lifecycle. This approach offers long-lasting residual protection.

Follow-Up Evaluation

Within two weeks, we’ll perform a complimentary re-inspection and determine if additional treatment is necessary.

Why Choose Pest Control Consultants

We specialize in bed bug elimination and achieve exceptional success rates. Our team is local, experienced, and committed to providing outstanding service.

Rest Easy and Call Us Today!

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