
Pest Control Consultants

Tackling An Oriental Roach Problem In St. Charles

Tackling An Oriental Roach Problem In St. Charles

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Cockroach infestations are a dangerous and disgusting pest problem. Oriental roaches are an outdoor species that will invade your interior, searching for food and shelter. Popularly known as ‘water bugs,’ these nasty insects enter your St. Charles home through drains and sewer lines. They can contaminate your food packages, spreading dangerous infections as they scurry over your dishes and food preparation surfaces. Keep your family safe by hiring a St. Charles pest control company to kill the bugs.

Where Are These Oriental Cockroaches Coming From?

Oriental cockroaches in St. Charles prefer to live in warm, moist places with a lot of decaying organic matter. These may include drains, basements, crawl spaces, sewers, storm drains, and other locations where they can find filth to forage. The bugs tend to wander in from the outdoors through tiny cracks and crevices in your exterior.

The source of the infestation is most often one of two things: sewer pipes and storm drains. Cracks in your foundation and pipes or utility lines are an excellent way for oriental cockroaches to enter your home. Sealing any cracks or gaps around your home is a perfect way to keep these nasty insects out.

Should I Be Worried If I See An Oriental Cockroach In My Bathroom?

Oriental roaches are massive cockroaches with shiny black or brown hues, making them harder to miss. Spotting one should be a source of concern for any St. Charles homeowner. These bugs live in murky waters, scavenging for decaying organic matter. The gross insects can pick up dangerous bacteria, protozoa, and viruses that they later spread once they enter your home.

Some of the common infections spread by Oriental cockroaches include:

  • Gastroenteritis
  • Salmonellosis
  • Food poisoning
  • Diarrhea

The roaches’ droppings and shed skin can also worsen asthma and other respiratory allergies. Call a cockroach terminator immediately if you spot these large, dark bugs in your St. Charles home.

How Hard Is It To Get Rid Of Oriental Cockroaches?

Oriental roaches are a nightmare for most homeowners. These gross bugs are notoriously hard to get rid of, surviving the toughest conditions, including winter. Adults can stay up to 30 days without food and more than two weeks without water.

The cockroaches hide in tight spaces like cracks in your basement and crawl spaces. It may take several rounds of treatment to get rid of the bugs. Additionally, most homeowners often treat the home’s interior, forgetting the outdoors, resulting in the infestation reemerging afterward.

What Can I Do To Get Oriental Cockroaches Out Of My Home Permanently?

Treating oriental roaches requires patience, time, and professional pest control interventions. Here are three steps you can take to eliminate the bugs from your St.Charles home:

1. Remove Food Sources
Oriental cockroaches are typically found where food scraps and other organic matter accumulate. Clean up any food spills immediately with a sponge or wet cloth. Avoid leaving any dirty dishes overnight in the sink. Take the trash out regularly, ensuring that food scraps don’t accumulate or overflow. Get cover lids for the garbage cans.

2. Eradicate Moist Areas In Your Home
Oriental roaches thrive in warm, damp sections of your home. Eliminate the moist areas by using dehumidifiers for your basements, crawl spaces, and bathroom. Fix leaky pipes and appliances. Remove any standing water, especially under sinks.

3. Call Professional Pest Exterminators
The most effective way to eliminate the cockroaches is to hire a pest control company in St. Charles. Pest Control Consultants can send experts to your home to assess your cockroach infestation. The trained professionals will then suggest the best way to kill cockroaches, targeting both your interior and outdoor sections.

Our exterminators use the latest scientific techniques and up-to-date cockroach control products to eliminate these nasty insects. Call us today to learn more about our residential pest control services.

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