
Pest Control Consultants

The ABCs Of Spider Prevention: How To Keep Your North Barrington Home Arachnid-Free

The ABCs Of Spider Prevention: How To Keep Your North Barrington Home Arachnid-Free

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Spiders are a common problem for most homeowners. The small and creepy arachnids are able to easily crawl through small gaps and crevices that are less than one-quarter an inch wide. When inside your home, they will immediately find a place to hide and are great at staying out of sight while hunting for food. While these unwanted guests are quiet and tend to keep to themselves, it is never a good sign to see spiders in or around your home.

There could be several reasons why you have spiders in your home, and our professionals at Pest Control Consultants can help you find the root cause. Our experienced spider exterminators understand the unique behaviors of all spiders commonly found in North Barrington, and we know the best way to ensure that they stay out of your house.

The Anatomy Of A Spider: Understanding Their Physical Characteristics

Spiders can come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. However, they all have a few common characteristics. Every spider has a segmented body that includes a cephalothorax and an abdomen. The cephalothorax is located in the front of the body and is the body part that houses the eyes, legs, and mouth. The abdomen is usually about the same size as the cephalothorax and usually has spinnerets near the bottom.

All spiders have eight legs and multiple eyes. Most spiders have eight eyes, but some can have six or fewer. Some species of spiders will have tiny, fine hairs covering their legs and body, and other types of spiders have smooth, hairless bodies.

If you see spiders in your home, you can contact a spider control specialist to find the exact species.

Spider Bite Symptoms: Warning Signs To Watch For

Most of the spiders you see in this area are harmless and non-aggressive. The brown recluse, however, is one spider with toxic venom capable of causing serious problems in some people. If a brown recluse bites you, you may experience fever, headache, muscle spasms, and nausea. If you have these symptoms or notice an open wound at the site of the bite, you should seek medical attention. Some other spider bites can also cause allergic reactions in some people.

If you see a spider, you should never try to touch it or catch it. Instead, call a qualified spider exterminator right away.

Preventing Spiders From Coming Inside: Effective Prevention Techniques

Spiders will try to come inside your home if your home provides access to food, water, and shelter. When our local spider exterminators find a home infested with spiders, it usually has either an insect infestation nearby or plenty of dark and damp places to seek shelter.

To prevent spiders from coming into your home, try these tips:

  • Use caulking or weather strips around the doors and windows to seal any gaps.
  • Fix any leaking faucets or pipes immediately.
  • Remove clutter from your home.
  • Keep basements, crawl spaces, and other humid areas dry and well-ventilated.

It is also important to practice good cleaning habits by cleaning up any spills or food crumbs right away; this will help keep the insects and other prey animals away. If you need help developing a more customized prevention plan, consult a professional spider extermination company.

Experience Peace Of Mind: Choose Professional Spider Control

Getting professional help from a local spider control technician is the best way to ensure that spiders stay away from your North Barrington home. Call our experts at Pest Control Consultants today to see how we can help.

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