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Why Bed Bugs Get Worse during Summer: Temperature, Travel, and Trouble

Why Bed Bugs Get Worse during Summer: Temperature, Travel, and Trouble

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Summer is on its way in Illinois, and with it comes bed bug season. While bed bugs can be a year-round pest, they are most active in the summer. This is the time of year when these blood-eating bugs are most likely to move into your house. Understanding why bed bugs get worse in the summer and taking steps for summer bed bug prevention can help keep your home bed bug-free.

Why Bed Bugs Are Most Active in Summer

Temperature and Humidity

Bed bugs thrive in hot, humid weather. Although they remain active throughout the year, their activity slows during the colder months. As temperatures rise, bed bugs become more mobile and reproduce more rapidly. The warm summer months create ideal conditions for bed bugs to flourish.

Increased Travel

Summer is a peak travel season. People go on vacations, visit family, and stay in hotels more frequently. Bed bugs are excellent hitchhikers and can easily climb onto clothing, bags, and luggage. This increased travel activity helps bed bugs spread to new locations as they hitch rides on travelers.

Summer Bed Bug Prevention Tips

Inspecting Hotel Rooms

When staying in hotels, thoroughly inspect your room before bringing in your luggage. Check under sheets, along mattress seams, between mattresses and headboards, behind picture frames, and along the edges of walls. Even if the room appears clean, keep your luggage, bags, and clothing off the floor during your stay.

Checking Belongings

After returning home from a trip, inspect your belongings before bringing them inside. Wash all clothing in hot water to kill any bed bugs that might have hitched a ride.

Regular Home Inspections

Conduct periodic checks of your home, especially after hosting guests or returning from travel. Inspect mattress seams, headboards, and upholstered furniture for signs of bed bugs.

Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation during Summer

  • Blood Spots: Small red spots on your sheets could indicate bed bug bites.
  • Bites: Bed bug bites are red and often form an uneven line on your skin.
  • Visible Bugs: Seeing the bugs themselves is a sure sign of an infestation.
  • Casings: Bed bug casings along the seams of upholstery are another indicator.
  • Eggs: Bed bug eggs may be found along upholstery seams or between mattresses and headboards.
  • Feces: Small brown streaks on your sheets are bed bug feces.


If you notice any signs of bed bugs, it’s crucial to act quickly. Bed bugs are difficult to eliminate on your own because they hide deep within walls, are resistant to many chemical treatments, and can go dormant for months before re-emerging.


Don’t let bed bugs steal your summer slumber! Now you know why pests are more active in the warmer months. So, you’re ready to act. Use the bed bug prevention tips we’ve outlined for summer. Stay watchful for signs of an infestation.

If you suspect bed bugs have taken up residence in your home, don’t waste time attempting DIY solutions. Contact Pest Control Consultants (PCC) today. Our Illinois-based professionals will give a free inspection. We make  custom treatment plans to fix the problem fast and well. Breathe easy and enjoy a peaceful summer – contact PCC for a bed bug-free home now!

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